School’s Out Workshops & VACATION CAMPS

When school is closed for a day or a week, our workshops and vacation camps offer time outside and endless possibilities for adventure. * Workshops and vacation camps are for children ages 3.5 through 10 years old, unless noted otherwise.

Children should bring lunch and dress for the weather, this is an outdoor program. For guidance about how to layer up, check out our Gear Guide for Outdoor Fun.

Special June School’s Out Workshop

Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28 
1:00-5:00 p.m. 
For those who just finished preschool through 4th grade
$450/child for the week

Begin your summer vacation on the right note by embarking on a journey around the world! Each day, children will delve into a new region: the Arctic, wetlands, temperate forests, tropical rainforests, and the ocean. They'll discover the remarkable animal adaptations crucial for surviving extreme weather conditions, gather critters from our very own Nanderwhere Pond, and measure the towering heights of the largest trees in the rainforest.